Indoor Cleaner Required for Company in Qatar
- Salary: QAR1300 - QAR
- Posted On: 2023-04-29
As an indoor cleaner for offices and shopping malls, your job responsibilities are diverse and encompass a wide range of tasks. Your primary goal is to ensure that the premises always look neat, well-maintained and inviting for all visitors, employees or customers who come through the doors.
Your duties include cleaning floors, windows, walls, carpets and other surfaces using appropriate cleaning agents and equipment. You must also clean restrooms regularly to ensure they are hygienic and presentable at all times. In addition to this, you need to empty trash cans regularly in both public areas and private offices.
Another aspect of your job responsibility as an indoor cleaner involves ensuring that office equipment such as computers, printers or photocopiers are adequately dusted off daily. You may also be required to perform minor repairs on appliances such as changing light bulbs or fixing simple plumbing problems like leaky faucets. posted this job Indoor Cleaner Required for Company in Qatar which was originally advertised by the Qatar in Express News on 2023-04-29. The Vacancies are for the Cleaner announced for the Qatar and the last date to apply for this job is 2023-06-28. If you have an interest in Indoor Cleaner Required for Company in Qatar, please contact us through the following information and we’ll get back with more details about what it entails!
Job Description Following is the job Description for Indoor Cleaner Required for Company in Qatar- Position Title: Cleaner
- No. of Available Positions: Not Mentioned
- Job Type: Full Time Job
- Job Location: Qatar
As an indoor cleaner for offices and shopping malls, your job responsibilities are diverse and encompass a wide range of tasks. Your primary goal is to ensure that the premises always look neat, well-maintained and inviting for all visitors, employees or customers who come through the doors.
Your duties include cleaning floors, windows, walls, carpets and other surfaces using appropriate cleaning agents and equipment. You must also clean restrooms regularly to ensure they are hygienic and presentable at all times. In addition to this, you need to empty trash cans regularly in both public areas and private offices.
Another aspect of your job responsibility as an indoor cleaner involves ensuring that office equipment such as computers, printers or photocopiers are adequately dusted off daily. You may also be required to perform minor repairs on appliances such as changing light bulbs or fixing simple plumbing problems like leaky faucets.
Job RequirementsFollowing are the job requirements for Indoor Cleaner Required for Company in Qatar. Please check it thoroughly before applying for this job: - Education: Matriculation Certificate
- Experience: Not Mentioned
- Last Date ToApply: 6/28/2023 12:00:00 AM
How to Apply
If you have an interest in Indoor Cleaner Required for Company in Qatar , please contact us through the following information and we’ll get back with more details about what it entails!
- Contact Number 1: +92-0333-5850807 / +92-0344-4233786
Job Requirements
- The ideal candidate should possess minimum Matriculation Certificate from a recognized institute.
- Experience is not mentioned in the .
Expired Job
Please note. This Jobs is expired and will removed soon.
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